2019 Illinois Voter Guide Information
How do you see your role as Alderman/Trustee?
Solid, knowledgeable, and Responsive Representation on the City Council, promoting Accountability and Transparency in all City matters and Dedicated to Advocate and Foster the needs of the Residents and of the City
What skills and innovative ideas will you bring to the City Council?
38 years as a successful litigation attorney and advocate, 38 years as a successful entrepreneur and CEO of the Law Firm of Wendy R. Morgan located in Prospect Heights; 15 years as President of the Rand Olive Commercial Condominium Association in Prospect Heights, working on many of the same issues and concerns which are involved with our City; Elected official since May 2015 as City Clerk; Appointed to assist with the revamping of the City Website promoting transparency in City Government since 2015 ; Appointed and worked on the City's Strategic Directions Committee since 2015 making recommendations to the Council on the major areas affecting our City including but not limited to flooding and drainage issues, sidewalks, street repairs, sewers, economic development, and more; Appointed in 2015 and Re-established the Water Committee as a committee for all water issues; Elected as a Director of the Wheeling Chamber of Commerce since 2015 promoting business in our City; Other public service includes 14 years in Rotary both as President of the Prospect Heights Rotary Club, and Rotary District 6440 Youth Protection Officer, serving the underprivileged, youth and elderly. I will work to promote further economic development in our City and to work on the major infrastructure issues negatively affecting our city as well as a new plan for our sewer system. I will work to keep our city in the black and have funds to provide our residents with the level of services they need as well to be responsive to our residents and their needs. 32-year resident of Prospect Heights. Wife, mother and grandmother.
2019 Illinois Voter Guide Information
City/Village Board
Questions for candidates: Mayor, Village President, Alderman, & Trustee
Give examples of how, for the purpose of serving our community, you have been able to work productively with others who don't share your views.
My leadership style stems from my 38 years professional work and experience as s lawyer. I will advocate for the residents of the 3rd Ward and the City as a whole and provide vigorous representation of their interests on the City Council. I have a reputation as an independent thinker who cannot be intimidated, manipulated, coerced, or influenced by others. I will prepare my arguments and issues as I do as a lawyer. I will listen to my residents, do my research and review the facts, listen to the positions of the other residents in my City and my Ward and vote based on the best interests of my Ward. and the City. My leadership style also entails the ability to work well with the Aldermen, Mayor, and our Administrator to solve problems. Great things can be accomplished through consensus that has come about through rigorous debate. Our residents deserve good leadership and my style will best serve them
Small Business
How can the city support small business development and expansion?
Through economic development plans, sales tax rebate programs, promoting the businesses to join their Chamber of Commerce, maintaining city roads and streets where businesses are located, establishing city fairs and events which include participation of the businesses, promoting farmers markets which include participation of businesses, and the like.
Affordable Housing
What is your definition of "affordable housing"?
Having rental units which are affordable to the average person in the community
Housing Vision
How would this type of housing fit in with your priorities and vision of our city?
It would provide additional traffic for our local businesses and be part of an economic development plan of the city
Do you think our main street/downtown is healthy and successful? If not, what would you do to change that?
We don't have downtown center per se. The majority of the residents of our city do not want the City to invest substantial funds for a City center so we need to find developers and businesses who are interested and willing to invest their own funds for this purpose.
If you could change one thing in our zoning code, what would it be and why?
We should expand the limitations on the size of resident additions and building on residents' own property. Many residents have large areas and are too restricted from building additions to garages and the like which they need and should be able to have without having to fight for a variance.
If you received a $1 million grant to use for the city any way you wanted, what would you do with it and why?
We should use the funds first towards solving our biggest problems which are flooding and drainage issues. These issues have plagued our City and cause frequent street closures, damages to residences, and the City has lost 2 squad cars in the last year in the Willow Road area alone during flooding in that area.
If flooding is an issue in your community, what are your plans to mitigate this problem?
An engineering study has been done to identify the areas which need attention and set priorities. In the Strategic Directions Committee, I have worked with these issues and made recommendations to the Council. Council has already approved the Willow Road project to raise the level of the road on Willow Road to alleviate the frequent flooding and drainage problems in that area. As Alderman I intend to work with the newly formed Ad Hoc Committee to investigate residents' concerns and make recommendations to council. I intend to work with the other Aldermen with regard to the above and the second study once it is completed which is the Arlington Countryside area. As Alderman I will then tackle the other identified areas to work to resolve flooding and drainage in those areas as well. Although the City has had limited funding with the sale of the arena land, we will now have those funds coming in over the next three years and as Alderman I intend to advocate that our budget include these funds for these infrastructure improvements as well as for road repairs, sidewalks and other infrastructure needs.
2019 Illinois Voter Guide Information
General Questions (for all candidates)
How do you propose to solicit input, enhance and expand communication with the taxpayers?
I I have worked to revamp our City's Website since being elected in 2015 and will continue to work on improving communications via that Website as well as to promote more city information and City data on the Website. We have had City forums on issues and I intend to advocate that we do more of them to educate the residents on different issues and obtain their feedback.
What skills and innovative ideas will you bring to this elected position?
I have 38 years’ experience as a litigation attorney and advocate in Prospect Heights who has also dealt with many city issues such as zoning, variances, City litigation, liquor violations, dram shop and the like. I have 38 years successful experience as an entrepreneur and CEO of the Las Firm of Wendy R. Morgan. I have 15 years’ experience as President of the Rand Olive Commercial Condominium Association dealing with many of the same kind of issues as is involved with the City. I have been an active City Clerk for the last 4 years of this City. I have been appointed and worked on several key committees as an elected official making recommendations to council and which have been approved by council. I have Re-established the Water Committee as a Committee for all Water Issues and I have worked to revamp the Website to promote transparency in city matters and will continue to work towards more transparency in city matters. I want to develop a plan for our sewer system costs over the next 3-5 years once the televising is completed. I will work to include infrastructure and capital improvements to be done and included in our budget such as flooding and drainage issues, street repairs, sidewalks, sewer repair and maintenance. I will work to promote economic development in our city which provides our main source of revenue. I will work to making sure our residents receive a proper level of city services and more.
How will you turn your ideas into action?
I will work to have these items placed on the council agendas and work to do the proper investigations, fact gatherings, discuss these issues with residents, obtain necessary studies, lobby other Aldermen, the Mayor and our Administrator, advocate and argue for these positions, and move for a vote on the above issues
What are your budgetary priorities?
Using the funds we will be receiving over the next 3-5 years from the sale of the arena land on our necessary infrastructure capital improvement projects including but not limited to flooding and drainage, street repairs, sidewalks, sewer repair and maintenance, while also using our regular sources of income to pay all operating expenses, and promote further transparency by providing the necessary funds for out audio visual department to be able to better communicate city matters to the public and funds to enhance our website to provide more data and information to residents.
How much time are you willing to dedicate to city business and how many hours per week will you be available during business hours?
My Law Firm is located in Prospect Heights which makes me very accessible and I intend to devote whatever time is needed to best perform my job as Alderman.
Meeting Attendance
How often have you attended meetings of the government body for which you are a candidate? I regularly attend the scheduled council meetings.